Discover the core of monobomb – our extraordinary team of riders.

These remarkable individuals embody the values of our brand and push the limits of unicycling. Meet the people who are riding with us into an environmentally conscious and stylish future.


Brand ambassador, product tests, social media

Disciplines: Flat

Hey there I‘m Alex most people call me Ali.
Started unicycling 2007, stopped in 2018 and trying to make my way back because I realised you don‘t stop unicycling because you‘re getting old. You‘re getting old because you stop unicycling.


Brand ambassador, product tests

Disciplines: unipacking, Muni, Road, Freewheel, Urban

My favorite way to be outdoors is with the unicycle. I see the unicycle as a perfect tool to enjoy and experience nature. And this, time permitting, preferably all day or even for weeks at a time.
Why monbomb? Of course, the best t-shirt is always the one you don’t buy. However, wearing nothing is not an option either, so I’m glad that monobomb makes sustainable streetwear for unicyclists and has a cool community.


Brand ambassador, product development

Disciplines: Freestyle without music

The gossi learned to ride a unicycle when he was 10, so has been doing it for a while. After a short time of riding, the dear gossi realized that he also likes to teach others how to ride unicycles as a trainer. From 2006 to 2016, the gossi could be found at every Unicon and participated there in Individual Freestyle. Besides the discourse with international riders and the maintenance of the rulebook, he also invented X-Style together with Felix Dietze (yeah, whoops, happened that way).

By the way, my favorite trick is the Fakie Dismount.


Brand ambassador, product tests

Disciplines: Road unicycling, Muni, Unicycle trial

Moin, unfortunately I learned much too late about this awesome sport but it is addicteing as fu**. Riding since 2015 and until I am no longer physically capable to do so! 😎
Monobomb because: fair, cool, from rider for rider, ride for fun, the person running the site has a good taste in hair styles 🤟🏼😂


Brand ambassador, product tests

Disciplines: Muni, Freewheel Muni, Unicyle Trial, Dirtjump

Preferably on the road with (almost) everything that has a maximum of two wheels.
Since 2006, however, my heart beats above all for the one wheel.
Whether Muni or Trial on one, or Dirtjump on two wheels: monobomb streetwear always looks good, is comfortable and also sustainable!


Founder, product design

Disciplines: Muni, Unicycle trial

For over 20 years on a unicycle.
The riding in the gym got at some point too boring, so I looked for new challenges and found: trial and downhill on the unicycle! 🤯 After a long injury break, I slowly found my way back into the sport in 2019 and finally brought monobomb back to life.

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